Mass Rural Water Association
781 Millers Falls Road, Northfield, MA 01360
Phone: 413-498-5779
Fax: 413-498-9943
Closing, and reopening, your system for the season, specifically for seasonal water systems, can seem overwhelming, but it doesn't have to be. Join us as we explore how to make this process as easy as possible, while ensuring safe drinking water for your staff and customers throughout the entire season.
We will kick off this training with steps to take to prepare for closing, and reopening next Spring. Next we will explore Massachuusetts' requirements and certification process before describing how to collect representative water samples. Lastly, we will conclude with tips, tricks, and a robust Q&A. Don't forget your questions!
Class will be held In-Person. Class size varies by location. To allow for adequate training time for each participant, we will be watching registrations closely and update this page if we need to begin a Wait List for either location. Registration is on a first come first served basis.
To sign up for this class, REGISTER ONLINE, or contact Jason Blais
Dates & Locations:
October 10, 2024 (#2024-25)
Lee Ambulance Building
177 Main St, Lee, MA 01238
October 11, 2024 (#2024-26)
MassRWA Office
781 Millers Falls Rd, Northfield, MA 01360
Attendance: 7:45am - 8:00am
Class Time: 8:00am - 12:30pm EST (includes breaks)
Class Fee (per registrant):
MassRWA Members: FREE
Non-Members: FREE
Agency Approval:
4.0 TCHs for Water Operators
Tom Bahun, II, is the co-founder of Tom's Water Solutions, having spent most of his 30+ year career working with water/wastewater professionals. He has served seasonal water system owners/operators with prcatical assistance and education for over 15 years. Tom is a Certified Instructional Trainer (CIT), holds a Maine Class IV Water Treatment and Distribution Operator License, and a Grade 5 Wastewater Treatment Operator Lices. He is best known for his exceptional and straightforward training abilities, and helping many water and wastewater professionals with their educational needs.
Cancellation Policy:
Individuals registered for one of our training classes, seminars, and/or conferences will be charged the class fee if we have not received notice of canellation at least 48 hours prior to the beginning of class. Anyone contacting MassRWA to cancel enrollment in a training session will receive a cancellation number. In the event of an emergency, which would prevent attendance, please contact MassRWA as soon as possible with the details.
Consent to Use Photographic Images, Videos, & Recordings:
Registration and attendance at, or participation in, MassRWA's meetings, trainings, and other seminars constitutes an agreement byu the attendee to MassRWA's use and distrbution (both now and in the future) of the attendee's image or voice in photographs, videos/videotapes, electronic reproductions, and audi files.tapes of such events and activities. This include permission to record sessions and streaming event.
781 Millers Falls Road, Northfield, MA 01360
Phone: 413-498-5779
Fax: 413-498-9943